- Recap: Attending GrafanaCon 2024 in Amsterdam
- Talk: Introduction into Go Profiling: Tools
- 2022 Year in a Review
- Talk: A Glimpse into Golang: DevFest Hamburg 2022 Workshop Recap
- Talk: Code Generation with Go: Insights from GDG Hamburg Meetup
- KubeCon Europe 2022: Back to In-Person Events
- Streamlining CI/CD with GitHub Actions Matrix Builds for Sequential Deployments
- So you want i3wm on MacOS?
- Beeing diagnosed with GBS (DE)
- Beeing diagnosed with GBS (EN)
- Personal Notes on 'Practical Vim' (2nd Edition)
- Talk: Security for Container Workloads: Key Takeaways from ContainerDays 2019
- Talk: Go Workshop at HAW Hamburg: A Quick Recap
- Install encrypted Arch Linux with LVM on EFI
- My Raspberry Pi Kubernetes Cluster (with Ansible)
- Procedual Map Generation with Java (Part 2)
- Procedual Map Generation with Java (Part 1)